Solar Hydro 2024: Frosio Next in Antibes, France
by Frosio Next
April 2024

SOLAR HYDRO 2024 International Conference will take place at the Antipolis Congress Centre, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, from the 22-23 April 2024.
In this international forum for leading experts in the solar PV and hydropower/dam engineering sectors once again, a full and varied programme will be presented, covering a range of practical topics, and including some new session themes. Below the sessions in which components of Frosio Next team will expose their studies:
Session 5: Hybridization: Potential, planning and challenges
Coupling PV, EV and residual hydropower to reduce the environmental impact of earth dam construction: A model and case study – L. Serra, Waterways, Italy; L. Papetti, A. Alberti and G. Ferrari, Frosio Next, Italy
From: 22-April-2024 To: 23-April-2024
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