A new dedicated consultancy service is now online on our website!

by Frosio Next

July 2023

Plant Analysis and Assessment model

The new “Plants Analysys and Assessment” section in now online on our website!

The Italian hydroelectric park dates back at least 60 years: the existing hydraulic works and infrastructures are therefore, almost entirely, still the original ones. In this scenario, Frosio Next has developed a model that allows to analyze and evaluate the state of conservation, efficiency and functioning of the works and equipment of hydroelectric plants, returning numerical and comparable values. This model (already applied to more than 30 hydroelectric plants in Northern Italy and presented as an official evaluation method to the institutions) is therefore aimed at providing concessionaires with a valuable tool for checking the state of health of their plant.

Discover the service on this link:


Discover also the others dedicated consultancy services and our main areas of expertise at the following link:


A consultants team dedicated to your project!

In every working environment, especially if technical, a team of consultants dedicated to your project and your business goals can make the difference. This additional service further enpower our proposal in the consultancy activity for hydroelectric plants and dedicated consultancy. Do not hesitate to request information by filling out our contact form!

Our team will evaluate all your requests to provide an highly result-oriented service!

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  • rebranding frosio next


February 2021|

Our identity, our values, our objectives are always the same: now we are ready for a new step.

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